Will writing services
Why make a Will?
Even if you don't own property it is important to make a Will.
Making a Will means you can rest assured with the knowledge that your possessions and property will be divided up in line with your wishes, and it will be easier for your family to manage your affairs when you die.
If you don't leave a Will:
- you risk much of your estate going to the government in Inheritance Tax
- the people you would like to benefit from your estate, may not be provided for
- your partner will not automatically inherit from you if you're not married or in a civil partnership
- there will be no arrangements to look after any children you leave behind
- your family may find it difficult to settle your affairs.
Changing an existing Will
You may have to change your Will if you remarry or have a child for example. Often you can use a codicil to make a small amendment. But if you are making big changes, it's usually best to draw up another Will.
If you're not sure what you need to do, then please do get in touch. We will be happy to discuss your proposed changes and rewrite your Will in the most appropriate way for you.
How we can help
If you would like to write a Will or discuss your plans we can help. As full members of the Institute of Professional Willwriters we have the experience and qualifications to help you plan your estate.
We're happy to:
- meet with you to discuss the details of your estate
- recommend the best ways to limit Inheritance Tax your beneficiaries will pay
- if you would like to relieve your family of the burden of dealing with the estate we can act as your executors and administer your estate. See Estates and Probate applications for more information.
Basic Will fee £145
For more information or to discuss writing a Will phone +44 (0) 20 8567 3555 or email louise@thepws.co.uk.
For help with Probate & Estate Administration , making a Will or a Lasting Power of Attorney
call us on: +44 (0) 20 8567 3555 or email info@thepws.co.uk